Learning to Drive

Learning to drive is probably the greatest and most stressful challenge in the life of the average 16-year-old… at least those who live in British Columbia, or other places where the age to learn to drive is 16. I’m going to be perfectly honest, it’s really, really hard. Crazy terrible hard. Super super insanely hard. You get the idea, right? I went for a drive today with Mom for the first time in probably 2-ish months, and getting back behind the wheel was, well, very very far from riding a bicycle.e0_1The funny thing about me is that I have this incessant need to be in control of everything. Meaning, I have a hard time leaving things up to God, even when it’s clear that there’s absolutely nothing I can do. You’ve probably picked up on that after reading the previous posts, eh?

Driving, however, is the one scenario where I am in complete control of what happens and, interestingly enough, I find it crazy scary. Of course it’s not a perfect metaphor, because I can’t control anything that the other drivers on the road do, but even when I’m on a lonely country road with no one else in sight, keeping control of that behemoth of a car is really stressful. After today’s driving lesson, I realized that I have a really hard time when under the pressure of actually being in control, so thinking that I can control every aspect of my own life is crazy, pointless, and let’s be honest, downright stupid. I guess it’s a good thing that God doesn’t make us deal with the pressure of being in control of our whole lives. It’s actually really nice to think that someone with perfect motives and flawless judgement has complete control over our lives, so we don’t have to worry about screwing up and causing irreparable damage.

Author: trigeminalheadache

16. Lover of Jesus first, coffee second and everything else third. I like to write stuff.

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