Back to the Future

As hard as I try to live in the moment and appreciate each day for what it is, I find it incredibly tempting to dream about the future. Up until now, my planning and dreaming has been centered around what I want to do/be. Career-oriented dreams. Recently I came to the realization that there really needs to be more to life!

I’m one of those girls who doesn’t immediately think “husband” and “kids” when she thinks about the future. I often think something’s wrong with me because of that, but that’s another story for another time. My goals for my life are generally centered around doing the things that I love. I realized that none of that means anything unless I’m doing the things that I love, with or for the people I love.

I recently did one of those quizzes on Facebook that determines what your fatal flaw is. The result told me that I am a workaholic, that I put my social life on the back burner in favor of professional success. That is not the life I want! I mean, I really want to finally get to a place where I’m working at a job that I really really love, rather than a meaningless drudgery at a job that merely pays the bills. However, my work cannot and should not be my whole life. Therefore, I cannot be centering my brainstorming about the future on my career. Instead of dreaming about what I want to do, I am resolving to set goals about who I want to be.

What kind of person do I want to be in 20 years? How will I have grown? And what can I do now to make that possible in the future?
