My Top 10 Christmas Songs


Though, I’ll be honest, I’ve been listening to it since Remembrance Day. Yeah, I’m one of THOSE people. As soon as we’ve paid the proper respect to our veterans, out comes the Christmas music. And the decorations, at least within the confines of my bedroom. In the main living area of the house, we don’t usually decorate until the end of November, a.k.a. NOW.

Anyway, here is a top ten list of my favourite Christmas songs, just to give you a bit of a shove into the holiday spirit. Of course, if you think it’s too early for Christmas music, you can totally disregard this post and go back to whatever you were doing. But for the record, it’s November 25th, one month until Christmas, and I think you’re wrong.

album_750-jpg 1. Mary Did You Know – Scotty McCreery

2. Please Come Home For Christmas – Aaron Neville 

imgres 3. Let it Snow – Aaron Neville

 4. Away in a Manger – Brad Paisley

bing_crosby_-_merry_christmas5. It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas – Bing Crosby

michaelbuble-christmas2011-cover6. White Christmas – Michael Bublé (feat. Shania Twain)

7. Winter Wonderland – Johnny Mathis

fullofcheer 8. Full of Cheer – Home Free

9. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear – Nitty Gritty Dirt Band

51dty5oumcl 10. Silver Bells – Lady Antebellum

So there you have it, probably the strangest compilation of classic Christmas songs by different artists. I personally love how each artist throws their own little twist on the classics, making them that much more enjoyable to listen to! 🙂

Comment below: what are your top favourite Christmas songs?


So, I never really know if Thanksgiving is officially on the Sunday or the Monday, but my Thanksgiving post is happening today. Deal with it. 😛 (Update: Kristina just told me that it’s on the Monday, every single year without fail. HOW have I missed that?!)

I personally adore Thanksgiving. It’s such a family-oriented holiday, it takes place in my favourite season (fall, obviously), and it forces us to change our thinking and reflect on the many blessings in our lives.


In my family, we’ve made it a point to stop and share some of these things. Every year when we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, we each take three kernels of corn to represent things that we are thankful for. We pass around a little dish, and every time it comes around to us, each person will put in one kernel and say something that they’re thankful for. It’s a really great way to share some of the ways God has blessed us in the last year, and it’s honestly one of my favourite parts of the whole dinner (next to the pumpkin pie of course 😛 ) This year I have so many more than just three things to be thankful for, but my very top three will have to do. So here they are!

  1. My incredible experience in Mexico this year. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. The Global Citizenship program gave me a taste of a beautiful and unique culture, as well as a plethora of valuable leadership skills and some amazing connections to students on the trip and the people we met in Mexico. Which brings me to #2…
  2. The amazing new friends and kindred spirits I met in the last year. You all inspire me so much, and for so many different reasons. I have learned from you, laughed with you, and cried with some of you! Some of you have gone on to your own journeys, and some of you are still walking alongside me. Regardless, each of you in your own way have all contributed to making me into a better person/friend and for that I am eternally grateful.
  3. My family. I am unable to put into words exactly how thankful I am that I grew up with this particular group of people around me. You all are the best and strongest influences on my life, and I would not be the same without you. I may seem like I’m in a hurry to strike out on my own and leave you guys, but rest assured I cherish every single moment I get to spend with you all. I always will.

I am honestly so very blessed, and so, SO grateful as always to God for all the incredible blessings He’s heaped upon me. It’s far too easy get bogged down by the many stresses and frustrations of everyday life, and soon enough we become so focused on our problems that we forget just how incredibly blessed we really are. I highly recommend taking some time this Thanksgiving to stop and reflect on the blessings you have in your life. Maybe even stop and take a moment to thank God and the people around you for everything they’ve done for you!

(sidenote: I’d love to hear your top three! Leave a comment describing some of the things you’re thankful for this year 🙂 )
