Get to Know Me

I am an avid youtube watcher. Welllll at least I used to be, back in the day, before I had stuff to do. Anyway, I loved watching all those goofy “tag” videos, including the Get to Know Me Tag. I thought it was a cute way to tell people some obscure facts. My turn! 🙂 820x549-diversity


  1. What is your middle name? Agatha. It was my grandmother’s middle name.
  2. What is your favorite color? Orange, or cactus green. Funny enough, when I was a kid I thought they were the ugliest colors imaginable.
  3. Who was your first best friend? Um… my sister Kristina. I’m homeschooled, remember? JK I had friends, but truthfully my sister was the only one that was always there.
  4. How tall are you? I’m a proud 5’11, and I’m slowly less and less able to lord that fact over my guy friends. Sad face.
  5. Cats or Dogs? I had a cat as a kid, and I’ve always wanted a dog. Honestly have no preference.
  6. Funniest moment throughout School? I can’t really think of a specific moment that was funny, there are probably too many I’m forgetting.
  7. How many countries have you visited? Several. Russia, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Mexico, France, The United States of America… I think that’s it. 15. Family comment down below if I missed any.
  8. Are you in/gone to college? Nope. Next year hopefully 😀
  9. What was your favorite/worst subject in High School? Favourite? Physics. No Argument. Worst was probably P.E. to be honest. I was much more active in elementary school.
  10. What is your Favorite drink? Well, if you mean alcoholic drink, I have no opinion 😉
  11. What is your favorite animal? A PUMA. Or perhaps a panda… or a velociraptor in some unique cases…
  12. What is your favorite perfume? I don’t wear perfume… I don’t know why but the smell bugs me.
  13. Tea or Coffee? Coffee. I only drink tea when I’m sick.
  14. What would you (or have you) name your children? I don’t have any, and I haven’t really thought about it, but I really like the name Preston.
  15. What Sports do you play/Have you played? I don’t currently play a sport, but I’ve dabbled in basketball and volleyball in the past.
  16. What is your favorite book? Too many to choose from. Anything by Bryan Davis, whatever I’m currently reading (unless it’s terrible) and anything and everything by Alex Bellos.
  17. What is your favorite movie? Inception. BEST MOVIE. SO GOOD. Or the first three Bourne movies.
  18. Are you Single or Taken? Single. Intentionally. Don’t get any bright ideas.
  19. Whats your idea of an ideal first date? Probably….? Haven’t really thought much about it. I guess just coffee and chatting 🙂
  20. How many Girlfriends/Boyfriends have you had? None. See Quesion #18.
  21. Favorite memory from childhood? That time we went to Europe in 2006…
  22. Do you speak any different languages and how well? English fluently, Spanish decently and Russian a teeny tiny bit.
  23. Do you have any siblings? 2 sisters. Love ’em to bits.
  24. How would you describe your fashion sense? Nonexistent. ❤
  25. What is your favorite restaurant? Don’t eat out much. But my town has this incredible pizza place…
  26. What are some of your favorite tv shows? White Collar, The Flash, White Collar, Brooklyn Nine-Nine and did I mention White Collar?
  27. PC or mac? Mac…
  28. What phone do you have? (iOS v Android?) ANDROID BABY
  29. Tell us one of your bad habits! I get distracted easily… really easily.

So now you know a lot of really weird facts about me! Yay!

-Sofia ❤