Happy Thursday!

So… it’s been an intense couple of days. I’m eternally grateful that I can just write and let it all fall away for a while. I wanted to chat today about purpose: or what my life is for. (wow, pulling out the big questions, right?)

As a blogger and a Christian teen, I’m often faced with the question, “what makes you think you have anything valuable to say?” I often question myself, my potential, and my ability to make a difference. It’s really easy to doubt my effectiveness in the Kingdom. Is what I’ve been doing really God’s purpose for me? The fact is, God has the blueprints for my life, and because He knows that I can’t handle it all at once, He’ll give it to me piece by piece. This allows me to grow and change at a pace that isn’t too fast or overwhelming for my humanity.

As Christians, our purpose is literally to honour God, walk with Him and to “show and tell” people about Him. It’s really pretty simple. But, we often ask, what does that mean for me practically? We often find ourselves searching for a concrete calling: a practical application of our “umbrella purpose” in Christ. Maybe our focus on our careers as our calling is the greatest mistake here. I think I’ve come to a reasonable conclusion; my purpose is to share my story. My mistakes, the little things I’ve learned from those mistakes, the pain I’ve felt, the joy I’ve shared, everything that makes up a person’s life. Not only that, but my purpose is to make my life a story worth sharing, a testament to our Lord. I will only have something valuable to share if I make something valuable out of the life I’ve been given. So don’t focus too much on what you should do as a career, God will lead you to the right one. You might have one career in your life or 12, but at the end of the road, if you’ve stayed close to God and listened to His voice, you will have fulfilled your purpose in Him.

Oh, and Happy New Year! #prayingfor2017

Sofia ❤